Shari Billger

"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."

Shari 1994

Egypt – Great Pyramid

Nov 2011

shari01In January of 2001 I took my first group to Egypt – now I can’t stay away. What an experience for all of us – the sights, the smells, ancient Egyptian history, sacred geometry, past-life memories flooding our beingness, and – – the people! I was deeply touched and forever changed.

In 2007 the New York Times did a three-page article on my groups’ spiritual journey to Egypt – a thrill for all of us. The two channelers on this trip jointly reported that during our ceremony in the Great Pyramid the words and love moved across all of the lay lines around the planet and profoundly touched the heart of each person on the planet whether they were consciously aware of it or not. Spirit has some equally profound work planned for our group this time too.

Guardian Travel will be our tour guide again. It is owned and operated by the family of the late Ahmed Fayed. He was Drunvalo’s tour guide in Egypt and mine also. I considered Ahmed to be a friend and am pleased that his family continues to be our guardians.

Some Highlights
On 11-11-11 we will have several hours of private time in the great pyramid which is probably the most remarkable building in existence on the face of our planet today. We will do ceremony in the Kings Chamber, the Queens Chamber and the well. I am told that private time in the King’s Chamber is a rare privilege.

We were like little children during our camel ride to the Solar Cross on our previous trip. Yes, we will repeat this joyous event. You will also have an opportunity to be in the enclosure of the sphinx, visit the sacred temples, visit an Egyptian carpet factory, learn about Egyptian perfumes (essential oils), cruise on the Nile and more. My angels and I will also do a DNA reset on each participant.

For those of you who are called to join us at this momentous time in history it will be my pleasure to serve you. We will go as one heart to Egypt with the intention to not only have fun but to heal personally and contribute to the healing of the Earth, Egypt and all of her inhabitants.

In love, light and service,
Shari Billger.