Shari Billger

"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."

Shari 1994

Tantra for the New Millenium

Shari’s Initiation

There has been so much confusion, controversy and even fear over Tantra. At it’s inception several thousands of years ago it was very spiritual and has moved thru many layers to a point today where many are exploiting it with “Hot Sex” workshops. It is not for me to judge “Hot Sex” workshops. Each person chooses where it needs to be at any given moment for his/her own personal journey coupled with the lessons that are needing to be learned. My focus needs to stay on what Spirit has asked me to do; to teach Tantra from the concept of Christ Consciousness and Ascension and to assist in the healing process so that each of us can experience life from our heart centers. Yes, there will be sexual instruction in Level II, no nudity. The instructions will be given with great respect for our temples (bodies); and always with the thought in mind that there are three present during sexual intimacy, you, your beloved and GOD or great Spirit if you prefer. We will spend the majority of time in Level I healing down to the cellular level including the most important original eight cells. This experience can be a powerful clearing of old issues for many including the male/female split which has separated the genders for many, many moons. Level II will include more healing, tantric sexual instruction and some very powerful initiations around Christ Consciousness and Ascension. See brochure for more details.

I have been asked to share my story as to how my workshop came into being. Several years ago I started receiving guidance to create this workshop. As a seasoned Flower of Life Facilitator and healer I felt great excitement over the prospect of such an undertaking. Then a friend of mine who I consider as a very pure psychic pulled me aside one day and said “Shari, I am being told you need to start teaching Tantra”. She also informed me that I would be initiated on the Big Island of Hawaii by a male and female spirit. I would be standing some place looking up and I would know that now was the time. She said I would not teach Tantra until this initiation took place. She also said with humor that I could have a glass of wine to celebrate that night. I chuckled at this one as I do enjoy a glass of wine on occasion. I was scheduled to teach FOL on the Big Island in November of 1998 and teach my first Tantra workshop in January of 1999. The workshop on the Big Island schedulded for November was moved to March of 1999 and low and hehold my very first Tantra workshop scheduled for January 1999 was cancelled too, surprise, surprise, tee hee. In March of 1999 while touring on the Big Island I was at a place called “Rainbow Falls” looking up at this perfect waterfall where two sections of falling water joined together at midpoint in their fall and gracefully joined the pool of water below. My pulse started beating faster at this point as I heard Spirit’s voice inform me that this was my initiation and that each of those streams of water represented the male and female counterparts. I was given an explanation of the sacredness of this and my mission. I was then instructed to walk up to the top of the falls and view from that perspective. A few days later I took friends of mine to “Rainbow Falls”. What I saw was totally different. The water lept over the top in many sections of falling water at random. It was not at all like my initiation. I just smiled.

I taught my first Tantra workshop one month later and have been teaching Tantra for the New Millenium for over a year now with extremely pleasing and rewarding results. One of my Flower of Life and Tantra students said “every person should take your workshop”. In August of 1999 IJTV on the east coast invited me to do a TV show on Tantra for the New Millenium. The program aired for several months on many different channels.

The Workshops

The flow of sexual energy as it relates to a healthy and loving intimacy with your own body and it’s sexual and sensual nature is inseparable from enlightenment and Christ consciousness.

As an experienced facilitator and trained healer in many modalities, Shari will assist you in clearing male/female issues and healing and activating your soul so that you can move your energy tantrically keeping your body and chakras clear. She leads you on a journey to cosmic consciousness helping you to remember that love is all there is, ever was, and all there ever will be.

It is not just the desire to create children that creates sexual urges; it is the urge towards oneness. Tantric energy is one of the energies that has been most distorted and damaged on earth. Tantric energy, it’s earth origins based in ancient Indian spiritual philosophy, the supreme tantric deities Shiva and Shakti, is sacred union between you, your beloved and the Devine. It is not about ego. It is a compassion to help yourself and your beloved grow, to transform, to be reborn. It is a method of going beyond duality, beyond consciousness. This two-part workshop will move participants towards more joy, more fufillment, more bliss, unconditional love, Unity, ascension and Christ consciousness. You need not have a partner to experience this but your gendered relationships, both internal and external, must be balanced and healthy.

Level I Level II
Healing the male/female split Sword of Truth and Holy Grail Initiation
Sacred geometry, cellular and original eight-cell clearing Sacred Tantra instructions for couples
Clearing the pineal Preparing the temple
Running male and female energy Breathing exercises
Clearing and activating your Kundalini and sexual channels Embodying your Christ self
Personal sacred tantric exercise instructions Ritual and it’s importance to a tantric lifestyle

The ultimate goal is full cellular embodiment of your Higher Self and Christ Presence. Tantra is essential for the ascension process.”

See Events for location, date of workshops.