Shari Billger

"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."

Shari 1994

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Winter Solstice Celebration

21 December, 2013

You are invited to come celebrate Winter Solstice and Xmas with us as we tap into the coming energies of 2014, an incredibly important year. In many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions. In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra. You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony. Come find out more about our journey in 2014 and its significance. Most of all come and join in brotherhood and love with new and old friends.

Gay Liberty will also be joining us with her crystal bowls to enhance our healing experience.

The celebration will be held in a beautiful private home, one filled with love and crystals.

We will again share and demonstrate the importance of protecting yourself and your loved ones from harmful electro-magnetic waves and negative energies

The afternoon will also consist of spontaneous healings. Shari will use her skills and many tools with the accompaniment of her angels to do this.

Santa will come early as gifted, psychic intuitive, Claudia Brownlie will gift each of you with a short psychic reading!

Then……… Shari will reset everyone’s DNA!

Place: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Coordinators: Susan and Roger
Energy Exchange: Suggested Love offering: $22

RSVP required as space is limited. We will accept your firm, committed RSVP’s until we are full on a first come first serve basis.

NOTE: Please bring a dish to share. This breaking-of-bread so to speak is a wonderful time to bond with your spiritual brothers and sisters!


21 December, 2013