"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."
Shari 1994
Kona, Hawaii
October 3 – 9, 2014
Greetings Beloved Students and Friends,
I am planning a dolphin trip to Hawaii this October
In addition to the magic of the dolphins this trip will be combined with QHHT (Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy – Dolores Cannon). Note: Please visit my website at sharibillger.com. Click on QHHT for more information on QHHT. In a QHHT session the Super Conscious revealed that the dolphins are helping us to ascend. We will focus on the Blue and the Purple: It’s a long brain wave. Long brain waves slow heart rhythm down. That’s what we’re going to have to practice.
As time speeds up, we need to be able to go slower. Brain waves need to be slower, heart rhythm needs to be slower. It’s about staying in our Heart. So how do we get to the long brain wave, the slowing down of the heart rhythm. The answer Super Conscious gave is the dolphins and the whales. The dolphins have a lightness about them, they are really playful. They are here to help ascend humanity and they are generating the frequency of blue and purple. They are teaching us how to be free with no attachments, how to play. Play…ful…ness? The love us so much – omni love! It’s about connecting everything.
We will bring in the super conscious on this trip allowing them to guide us on our dolphin ascension journey. They have already told me they would work with us on this journey. Please email me with your intentions to attend if Spirit sits on your shoulder and says “you need to go”. Or, you may just know it in your heart, or your inner child may jump up and down with joy saying me, me, me! I will send you information, pricing and how to register. Space is limited.
I have personally conducted many dolphin adventures. Each one has been unique and deeply healing and rewarding. In 2007 and in March of 2008, I had the pleasure of the Japanese joining me in Hawaii. We all had an amazing time. My daughter has joined me three times and each time she has had her heart chakra blown wide open. Several years ago my FOL facilitator friend Elizabeth and I were in the Bahamas and we noticed a bird flying really high. Someone said “birds don’t fly that high”. There was also a rainbow present. We knew this was an important message. The next day Elizabeth was informed that her mother had passed. We knew that she was that bird and had come to say goodbye. What a deeply touching and holy experience for all of us. I had also dreamt it before the trip.
In addition to the magic of the dolphins this trip will be combined with QHHT (Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy – Dolores Cannon )
I will also do a massive DNA reset on each participant.
Private Healings will be available as well.
I love the Hawaii dolphin swims. Because of the many dolphin trips I have experienced in Hawaii I know the Island well and will share my favorite places with all of you including swimming in the million dollar, pool, a live lava flow, snorkeling with the turtles and much more including a surprise or two. We will play.
If you want to ascend with the New Earth, heal and expand your consciousness, experience great joy communing with each other, the dolphins and nature, this trip is calling you. We hope you come dance with us on this magical adventure.
In love, light and service, Shari Billger