"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."
Shari 1994
Shari Billger, International Teacher/Healer
Activation of your Merkaba is essential for Ascension! Sacred Geometry is the language in which God has written the Universe!
I have witnessed accelerated growth within my students upon completion of this life changing workshop.
The Flower of Life symbol is found in ancient sacred sites all over the world. I have personally taken photos of it in Egypt. The completed Flower of Life symbol is considered to be the basic unit necessary for the creation of all material.
The MER*KA*BA, used to create this Waveform Universe, is a rotating, geometric, crystalline Light-Energy field that extends around the body. It is a visualization and breathing technique that activates the Human Light Body. By reactivating your MerKaBa you will achieve unparalleled awakening – both now and as the planet continues to go through its transformation It assists in moving you out of judgement into Unity Consciousness and discernment. You will experience profound changes at every level of your life!
VERY IMPORTANT! . I have personally continued to step this workshop up and mutate it as new information was offered to me by my angels. Because we are becoming more right brained it is now necessary to activate the MerKaBa from the God Center also known as what the Upanishads call the city of Brahman, a secret dwelling, the lotus of the heart; Jesus’ ”Flame within the Sacred Heart”; St. Francis’s style of living that brought the animals to his side; Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Living In The Heart; aboriginal shape-shifting in New Zealand, or the G-Center in Human Design. The God Center, living from the heart, will be the focus of the first day to prepare you to learn and activate your Merkaba.
Also included in the three day workshop: The world is a field of pulsating energy. Where your mind goes – energy follows. Learn how to use this energy to stop creating what you don’t want. Learn how to redirect your energy to create the reality your soul and heart desires. Higher-Self, the “Kogi” heart connection; manifestation; Holographic Repatterning; Human Design; Atlantean Firestone Crystal/Color healing and group processing, experiential & some surprises!. You will leave this workshop with many tools to assist you with 2015 energies and in changing your life on every level.
LOCATION: Manitou Springs, Colorado
Date: January 30, 31 & Feb. 1 ( Saturday, Sunday & Monday) TIME: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
COORDINATOR: Michael and Denice Phone Shari at 719-748-3412 or Email: shari1551@aol.com Deposit of $100 required to reserve your space. The deposit must reach Shari by January 22nd in order to take advantage of the advance registration discount.