"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."
Shari 1994
You are invited to come celebrate the Initial Birthing Solstice of the New Earth on 12-21-12. What is happening has never happened before in the history of our planet. This is beyond huge. Let’s celebrate together. Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion. In a very real sense, what occurs on the 12-12-12 is the Ascension, and what takes place on December 21,2012 is the Initial Birthing Solstice of the New Earth. That is because the ‘mechanics’ of the actual ascending- process (that enables the Ascension) occurs on the 12-12-12. We will share what this Continue »
Atlantean Firestone Crystal, Color, Light and Magnetic Therapy Bed/Crystal Healing Workshop A personal invitation to come join us for this extraordinary learning and group healing with the Atlantean Firestone Crystal Bed technology! Shari, a multi-dimensional healer, keeps stepping things up a notch with new additions, making this one healing workshop you won't want to miss! This Ancient and state of the art technology, in combination with the energy of a clear channeled healer is a non-threatening, non-invasive modality to address physical and emotional issues on the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual and planes. It is the most powerful healing Continue »
Greetings All! This is one exciting energy healing class that requires no previous knowledge or healing training and is an invaluable tool for yourself, your family, friends and pets! As one who sees energy, I have witnessed the tuning fork sound permeate into the clients' cells and energy field to facilitate healing. I have seen all kinds of releasing, healing and balancing happen on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels as a result of a tuning fork therapy energy session. Shari, an accomplished healer in many modalities has done much research to provide you with the best tools Continue »
Private Bio-Energy Body Energy Feedback and Atlantean Crystal Bed Healings By Shari Billger, Allyn Breech and Debra Mueller Every single organ in your body resonates/vibrates its own energy? When this energy is disturbed by toxins, parasites, emotions, stress, lack of proper nutrition, etc, the organ cannot function at its fullest capacity? Vibration or energy medicine which works on cellular level stimulates the organs own frequencies (vibration) thus regeneration takes place and healing can start. In the reality of Quantum Biofeedback, a flow of energy connects every cell, every organ, every thought and every emotion. The ease or the interference of Continue »