Shari Billger

"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."

Shari 1994

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DNA One-day Merkaba Flower of Life Workshop

Angela Greeley, CO, United States

Activation of your Merkaba is essential for Ascension! Sacred Geometry is the language in which God has written the Universe! The completed Flower of Life symbol, found all over the world is considered to be the basic unit necessary for the creation of all material. I have witnessed accelerated growth within my students after the activation of their MerKaBa! This one-day workshop has been created so that more of you are able to activate your Merkabas! Also included: DNA activation, how to program your Merkaba, heart opening, higher-self connection, how to create a surrogate Merkaba and maybe a surprise or Continue »


The Bridge to Universal Peace with Shari Billger, International Teacher/Healer Your path to unfold the gifts and genius of your DNA and your purpose on earth!   Would you like: v   your own unique blueprint guiding you to live the life you designed yourself to live? v  to unfold and discover your purpose? v  to work with your DNA to heal, discover your gifts and develop your mastery? v  to stop struggling with relationships – any and all relationships? v  to stop struggling with boundary issues? v  to heal your shadow side? v  Would you like to ……….. just fill in Continue »

Past/Future Life Regression Workshop

Past/Future Life Regression Workshop Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (as taught by Dolores Cannon) You are invited to join us for this in depth past life regression workshop. The workshop will be presented in four parts on Sept.7th. Part I will include practice in visualizing followed by an actual past life regression. Part II - a journey to meet your spirit guide. Part III - a future life regression and Part IV - a group regression. You will be lovingly guided through each step from start to finish, no experience required. Shari has been doing past life regressions for eighteen years Continue »

Group/Individual Healing Workshop

Group/Individual Healing Workshop Carbondale, Colorado Davi-Nikent and Emily Marxhall Phone: 719-332-3947 Email: