Shari Billger

"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."

Shari 1994

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Dancing With Dolphins & Human Design Retreat

Greetings Beloved Students, I am planning a dolphin trip to Hawaii this November. Please email me with your intentions to attend if Spirit sits on your shoulder and says "you need to go".  Or, you may just know it in your heart,or your inner child may jump up and down with joy saying me, me, me!  I will send you information, pricing and how to register. Space is limited - I will take the first 8 angels who contact me. I have personally conducted many dolphin adventures.  Each one has been unique and deeply healing and rewarding.  In 2007 and Continue »

Winter Solstice Celebration

You are invited to come celebrate Winter Solstice and Xmas with us as we tap into the coming energies of 2014, an incredibly important year. In many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions. In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra. You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony. Come find out more about our journey in 2014 and its Continue »

Flower of Life

Sacred Hoop Ministry Woodland Park, Colorado

QHHT Past Life Regression Workshop

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Past Life Regression Workshop (as taught by Dolores Cannon) You are invited to join us for this in depth past life regression workshop. The workshop will be presented in four parts. Part I will include practice in visualizing followed by an actual past life regression. Part II - a journey to meet your spirit guide. Part III - a future life regression and Part IV - a group regression. You will be lovingly guided through each step from start to finish, no experience required. Shari has been doing past life regressions for eighteen years and is certified by Continue »