"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."
Shari 1994
Flower of Life – April 2005 – Buffalo Ranch – What an experience this was for all of us. A baby buffalo was turned the wrong way in her mothers womb…..
Found in ancient sacred sites all over the world, the Flower of Life is considered to be the basic unit necessary for the creation of all material substance.
As an experienced Facilitator and trained healer in many modalities, Shari assists you in experiencing the importance of the integral relationships of your personal healing process, the opening of your heart to unconditional love for all life everywhere, and the dynamics of powerful, sacred group interaction. She leads you on a journey to the center of the heart, helping you to remember that love is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be.
Flower of Life Research Inc., receiving numerous written and verbal praises from Flower of Life graduates over the years about Shari’s loving, light-giving abilities as a Facilitator, released the following statement: “Shari is one of our best and we are very proud to have her represent the Flower of Life!” Of the 40 Flower of Life US Facilitators, Shari routinely conducts around 20% of all Flower of Life workshops within the United States (including Hawai’i, Alaska and the Virgin Islands).
The Mer-Ka-Ba meditation is a visualization and breathing technique that activates the Human Light Body. By re-establishing your Mer-Ka-Ba you will achieve unparalleled awakening – both now and as the planet goes through its transformation. Interdimensional knowledge and relationships will also be covered.
It is the key to understanding the nature, the value and the significance of colors and sound.
Also included in this experiential workshop are higher-self and “Kogi“ heart connection; how to manifest; Holographic Repatterning; re-birthing; grounding; clearing and keeping your field clear; Dahn-Hak – Qi-Gong exercises and group processing.
See Events for location and date of workshops.